Electric Smart Wall lux SWITCH
  • Electric Smart Wall lux SWITCHElectric Smart Wall lux SWITCH

Electric Smart Wall lux SWITCH

UK / US / EU The JUER Electric® Electric Smart Wall Light Switch in China Standard Global Network APP Control WiFi Smart Wall Electric Touch light 1 cohors / 2 cohors / 3 cohors Power Touch Screen wall Switch.

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1. Product Introductio Electric Smart Wall lux SWITCH

UK / US / EU Electric Smart Wall Light Switch Standard Global Network APP Control WiFi Smart Wall Electric Touch light 1 cohors / 2 cohors / 3 cohors Power Tange murum screen switch.

2. Commodum de  JUER Electric® Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

1.30 annis fabricare experientia

2.OEM praesto est: materia, amplitudo et alia requisita nativus sunt

3.Our laboratorium certificatum ab UL,CTDP,TUV

4. OMNIUM bonorum nostrorum ISO9001, FCC, ETL, CE, Rohs etc.

5.We utimur 3D software UG ad designandum et explicandum nostrum productum


7.Building Area: 26000 quadratum metrum (WENZHOU)

Features pro Electric Smart Wall lux SWITCH

1.Sensitivo tactus imperium sentiens sicut iPhone tactus.

2. Vitrum lentum facile purgare est. Non-coloratus, semper novus est.

3. Waterproof, veneficae tactus omni tempore operari praesto est.

4.Fireproof, praesidium breve virtutis in linea confirma.

5.1 cohors/2 gang/3 cohors/4 cohors selectable potest, sui iuris imperium.

Electric Smart Wall lux SWITCH
Exemplar ZC-11801-02US ZC-11802-02US ZC-11803-02US
Imperium Gang 1gang 2way 2gang 2way 3gang 2way
Ratum Voltage AC110V/AC220V
Rated Power <1000W <2000W
Rated Frequency 50Hz/60Hz
Potestas Supple Una linea vive
Panel Material Tabula vitrea crystallis, princeps qualitas flamma retardat fundum PC casum
Sui ipsius Power perussi ≤0.1mA
Dimension 118*72*33mm

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

Electric Smart Wall Light Switch

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